(c) Spencer Allen

What a life we lead
Moving everyday like the hour hand on the clock
We…Tick tock in unison
And I tried not writing this…But…
You need me to breathe
Just as I need you to live
Through you I see a perfect reflection of me
Every time I catch that gleam in your eyes
From the very moment of sun rise
And you levitate…Every time I grip your waist
What a life indeed because nothing has come easy
Yet we…Have managed to maneuver through the pains
Choosing never to relish on the disdain
We both be…Born outside of the universe
Still at times wishing to be able to fit inside that proverbial box
And blend in with the fray…But just as the moon crosses into the sun
The box becomes too minuscule
For the magnitude of our aura must be allowed to shine
And although our first encounter was captured in red…
Our story is being told with hues of the rainbow
I saw you and pursued you with the power of my thoughts
You responded by stalking me through your looking glass
Together lets untie the knots that has you in bondage
So that the rainbow can be used as our wings
Flying us into our own intended existence
Where we will rejoice in the triumph of the struggle
That we have come through
I seek new meaning because unconditionally…
I love you…I love you…I love you…
Three hundred times daily
Talk to me
Like you have never done with any other before
And I will
Put a new song in you to sing out unto the world
Love me like the ocean…Deep…
Only knowing that it never ends
Handle me with your gentleness…And let me
Savor you like the taste of cotton candy…I’m handy…
When it comes to taking your dreams from the impossible…
See…You were manifested from the fireworks bursting into
Star spangled banners
Hovering…Lingering within my solstice
You anointed me Mister T
So take hold of this perfect temptation
Created specifically for you…And lets
Let life open wide for us…Yes…
What a life…It would be…You standing palm in palm with me
What a life…I really tried not writing this…But…
I love you…I love you…I love you…
Three hundred time daily like breaking news
Because we be…Building off of hearts that pump blue…
We be…Black...Like diamonds
I don’t want secrets…Do not want to be a secret
Let us be known…World renowned
With this life…What I pledge to you
Breathe me…And I will live you
Believe in me…Trust in me
Let our loc’s interlock as one…connected through
God and the universe spinning continuously on its axis
And we will dance in the essence…Of each other forever
Tango…Cha Cha…Two Step…With me
You are right…What a life
Lets work it out…push the fear out
Let faith guide you as you continue to walk right
Right into what you have…
Awake from your sleep into the reality of your dreams
And flourish in the unconditional…With me