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The Homework Assignment...created for the artist who couldn't get on stage but came back week after week after week. I knew in my heart they had something to say but didn't know how to say it.
You can turn in your homework and it will be read anonymously, or you can turn in your homework and we will acknowledge you, or you can get on stage and read your poem; But, not doing your homework is not an option.
The spiritual awakening to free me, I honestly believe to be me... here is where I spill my heart. Complete one of the following thoughts and have fun...
Homework Assignment OneI can't wait... Bliss is overflowing... I am so happy...
Homework Assignment TwoI'm Grateful For... I Stopped Waiting To Wait... Joy Is...
Homework Assignment ThreeI Gotta Do This... Poets Jazz House is... Joy Is...
Homework Assignment FourLove is Like... At the End of it All... Once Upon a Time
Homework Assignment FiveDig if you will the picture... You don’t have to be beautiful... Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today...
Homework Assignment SixBeacuse I'm bad like that... What I want to know is... I am what I say I am...
Homework Assignment SevenA Black man is... A Black woman is... I am...
Homework Assignment EightWhat I look forward to next year is... What I learned this year... My friends...

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