Trivial Pursuits

So I started this whole brouhaha talking about what the truth is and trying to come to terms with it. I think it’s a fitting theme for this particular entry. The truth, I absolutely did NOT want to go to my weight watchers meeting today whatsoever, mainly because I knew that when I stepped on the scale that it was not going to be nice to me. My last entry I was trying explain that in order to successfully lose weight you have to successfully manage your time and in turn not let life’s pursuits hinder your life. Then I turn around, let time slip away and envelope myself in all life’s trivial pursuits without any consideration of the consequence. Well… I knew of the consequence, that’s why I didn’t want to fucking show up today. That has happened before in the past whereas I inhale an entire pizza, know that I have gained ten pounds in the process and am mortally ashamed to attend the meeting that Saturday. But today, mainly inspired by you guys who I hope are still with me and the obligation that I feel I have to be truthful about this journey… I went. Despite the fact I haven’t tracked a thing I have eaten all week… despite the fact I have been so overwhelmed at work that I skipped lunch and had bags of Doritos and/or Cheetos instead then inhaled several Lean Cuisines when I got home… despite the fact I didn’t go to the gym one time… despite the fact that just last night I went to three (yes THREE!) different bars and ingested about a gallon and a half of vodka (and some dude’s tongue) then a Subway Sandwich afterwards… despite the fact I woke up with the biggest hard-on that seemed to throb just as intently and in rhythm of my massive hangover… I got up, made some coffee, grabbed a bottle of water, went to the gym, did 15 minutes on the stationary bike and 30 minutes on the treadmill while listening to every Madonna live in concert song I could fit on my iPod, took a shower then headed toward the dreaded Weight Watchers meeting the face music. I gained 2.6 lbs. And yes… it sucks.
But I do have faith that it was just a flux. That if I would have just skipped the bar hopping alone I would have either gained under a pound or would have just stayed the same.
And to add insult to injury, today my group leader told us that the next meeting will be her last meeting at that location. She has this absolutely insane commute from her house to the meeting place.
Weigh-In: 287.2