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Ex v. Ex

So this is going to be a short one… I just finished writing about ten(!) pages in my other journal, none of which has anything to do with weight loss, but I’m a little exhausted from going over the extended reality show that is my life lately so we’ll just see what I can come up with for the “post-show” wrap up right here.

The gym is coming along slowly but surely. My arms are starting to get a little muscular bumpy like they used to back in the day which just makes me smile. I’m going to try and go three times this week and hopefully four the next and keep that schedule. This… is going to be hard. I’ve just got so many things on my plate nowadays, and so much other… bullshit drama running through my head. Dale, one of my BFF’s is always trying to instruct me to not give in to negative thoughts or the negativity that people give off. I try to stay true to that but the truth of the matter is, I’m not some Alien Robot Diva that can just deflect negativity away with a single fierce swipe of my metallic hand, I’m human, I’m messy, I’m emotional, I’m fucked up. I get jealous, I get mad. When I found out my ex-boyfriend has a new boyfriend, what was my first question? “Is he cuter than me?”

Speaking of ex’s, I took my over emotional ass over to Elliot’s moms’ birthday party. The party, which I thought was on Sunday was actually on Saturday, the same day as my Weight Watchers meeting, which I attended with my other ex… Dean.

The morning of the meeting I went to the gym and neglected to eat anything outside of a White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bar and about a gallon of water, so by the time the meeting was over I was starving. Dean was too. We decided to go to Sizzler. The plan was to fill up with as much salad and vegetables as humanly possible before heading to the birthday party in which I was sure Elliot double deep fried everything from the chicken to the macaroni and cheese to the Kool-Aid… and slathered it all in butter.

It should be noted that, while I adore Elliot and simply love his mom, and God forgive me of they ever read this blog… but they live on the corner of Crack and Weed… it’s a pretty bad neighborhood, one of the worse in Los Angeles. But I trek over there when I can, preferably in the daytime. Though I was running late after Sizzler so… yeah… I asked my ex-boyfriend to drop me off at my other ex-boyfriend’s house, to wit he replied, “You’re going to owe me so big!” I can responded the only way I could, “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game!”

No I didn’t. What I really said was, “Sure, ok, whatever… I got the next salad bar, you're the best...”

The party was great. Tons of family, tons of food. Little known fact however… macaroni and cheese can slide into places in your gullet that vegetables and salad can’t reach. We’ll see how I do next week…

Weigh-In: 288.2



a memoir of food, ass, and time




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F.A.T. Diaries by Breeze Vincinz

mbl (818) 660-6574


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