Back to SchooL_Distance Learning_Virtual Instruction aLL of these are upon US! Well we wanted to get some input from BLakMale EducatorS! We assembled the ‘Power 7’ 7 BLaKMen existing professionally as TeacherS/ProfessorS/administrators in the Education Space. This is a lively discussion of how BLaKMeN create educationaL experiences for their studentS while functioning in a profession where they maKeUP 2% of the teacherS in the U.S. We here their aggravations to their triumphS! Very Enlightening…. Very Informational…. The BLack Male dynamic in teaching definitely matterS per several studies and we know it is imperative for BLakChildren to representation of themselves in spaces of POWER! |RealStories|ReaLRelevant| Quarantine wit DaBoXX… We got daily Fiyah! Fresh relevant CONTENT… Please subscribe to YouTube:: Click Here to Subscribe